Countering the narrative by the Biden administration that 30×30 is a “locally driven” agenda, there are now over 160 county resolutions from sixteen states opposing his scheme.
Opposition started on February 16, 2021, just three weeks after Biden signed his Executive Order implementing 30×30. Garfield County, Colorado was the first local government to adopt a resolution opposing the unconstitutional land grab. Since then, opposition has steadily grown.
There are over 70 counties in Nebraska alone due to then Governor Pete Ricketts, now U.S. Senator, who barnstormed across his state and sounded the alarm about President Biden’s land grab. Since then, many other states and individuals have taken up the cause and done amazing work.
Many dedicated Americans have been encouraging local leaders to take a stand since the beginning of the President’s term. Most recently, Angel Cushing from Allen, Kansas, Linda Murphy and Sandy Dean from western Oklahoma, and State Representative Julie K. Auch from South Dakota have been educating and accomplishing remarkable victories by encouraging counties to adopt resolutions opposing the president’s fiat.
30×30 was initiated when Biden signed Executive Order 14008, “Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad” on January 27, 2021. As an unconstitutional and unauthorized action, Biden is transforming our nation from one founded on principles of constitutional property rights to one controlled entirely by the administrative state.
There is no science or data to justify permanently preserving 30 percent of America’s land and oceans to reverse so-called climate change, which is why opposition is critical to stopping this.
Dedicated Americans Getting Things Done
In a recent Yankton County, South Dakota meeting, Julie Auch told the commissioners “You need to stand up!” “You ran as Republicans and on conservative values” and then added “Yankton County needs to step up and show we value private property and the owners.” After tabling the resolution twice, the commissioners unanimously adopted it.
In another resolution adopted by Roger Mills County Oklahoma on February 6, 2023, the commissioners took a bold stance by not only disagreeing with climate change as a reason to set aside large tracts of land, but they required “any proposed federal land acquisitions within their jurisdiction have the consent of the Board of Commissioners” …including “any transfer of conservation easements from land trusts to the federal government.”
This is significant since the Acting Secretary of the Interior under Biden on February 11, 2021, issued Sec. Order 3396, rescinding the previous Secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt’s Order 3388, that required the consent of states and local governments for any federal land acquisitions. Biden wanted to remove any and all local and state opposition so they could implement 30×30 without any interference.
Sandy Dean has formed the Western Oklahoma Patriots grassroots organization committed to doing their part to bring America back to its “Godly heritage that it was founded” upon. As of April 26, 2023, she and Linda Murphy have shepherded and encouraged 14 Oklahoma county resolutions opposing 30×30 from the following: Beckham, Blaine, Caddo, Cimarron, Custer, Dewey, Garfield, Grady, Grant, Johnston, Rogers, Roger Mills, Stephens, and Washita.
This is what local leadership looks like, and it is what the Biden administration fears the most. Private property keeps the wealth and the power with the people. With that wealth and power, we prevent those in government from controlling our land and our future. In short, private property rights secure our liberty.