is WortH
Acre-by-acre, state-by-state, we are working to save our land & liberty.
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U.S. Land Currently Owned by Government
Acres Environmentalists Want Off-Limits to Human Use
What if you could no longer own property in America?
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Why Property Rights Matter
Property rights are the essential right protecting all other rights. If the government owns the land, they control the people. If the people own the land, we control the government.
what are the Issues?
Environmentalists are calling natural climate change a crisis and they are using campaigns such as the 30×30 agenda to impose radical land-use policies on Americans.
Who This Impacts
Property rights affect all of us. They are not just important to the people producing essential goods from the land. If the government or environmental organizations control the land, they will decide where we live, what car we drive, what we eat, and when we can access the outdoors.
Happening Now
19th Congress Key Legislation February 11, 2025
Reps. Green, Hageman to Refile Bill Stopping Future Natural Asset Companies Reps. Mark Green (TN-07) and Harriet Hageman (WY-AL) will reintroduced the Protect America’s Lands Act...
America (and Canada) Need All Their Land Back In Order To Flourish
Written by Elizabeth Nickson February 8, 2025Temp’s Sovereign Wealth Fund seems like a good idea, depending on who controls it. Trump says the U.S. will, but does that devolve...
119th Congress Key Legislation, February 4, 2025
Harriet Hageman reintroduced three bills last week all protecting private property rights. The first was H.R. 775, the No Net Gain in Federal Lands Act intended to push back...
Featured Podcasts, Videos & Interviews
The Federal Plan to Monetize Sunlight & More
Roman Balmakov Interviews Margaret Byfield on Natural Assets on Facts Matter On a previous Facts Matter episode, we went into some great depth exposing the 30 by 30 agenda. Also...
Assault on Our Land & Liberty
Margaret Byfield, speaks about the 30×30 Agenda and more, at the 2nd Annual food symposium “Attack on Food & Farmers: + And How to Fight Back”
Securing America With Frank Gaffney
Securing America with Frank Gaffney
With Margaret Byfield, Dr. Karen Siegemund and Hans von Spakovsky
Texas Alliance of Land Brokers
February 12, 11:00 am
Granbury, TX
True Texas Project
February 18, 6:30 pm
Houston, TX
Texas Alliance of Land Brokers
February 26, 11:00 am
San Antonio, TX
About Our Organization
30+ Years
ASL is the nation’s oldest property rights organization run by Americans steeped in the battle to protect this essential right.
Movement Leader
Recognized as the nation’s premier leader on property rights issues by our partners and opponents alike.
Frontline Fighters
Working with local, state and national leaders, ASL confronts the administrative state at all levels.
Strategic Action
Our work has led to some of the nation’s most important property rights victories, including stopping the Trans-Texas Corridor and Natural Asset Companies.
Our Top Priorities
We fight so American citizens will own the natural resources we need and our nation will flourish.





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