In the news

Important NAC Update!

Important NAC Update!

U.S. House Financial Services Committee Abdicates Article I Oversight of SEC Rule to create Natural Asset Companies (NACs).
Thirty-one U.S. House Members signed the letter demanding they rescind the NAC proposed rule and reopen the comment period. Given the short window to sign on, this is a great response!

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NAC Update!

NAC Update!

The Security Exchange Commission’s attempt to quietly approve “Natural Asset Companies (NACs)” has been thankfully exposed and pushed back. The SEC extended its review period to...

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How NACs will Cripple Rural Communities

How NACs will Cripple Rural Communities

These lands are crucial to the County’s socio-economic well-being, health, safety, welfare, and culture. The County argues that listing their federal lands into a NAC would require the land to be managed for “sustainable” purposes and eliminate the productive uses.  These productive uses support their local economy by funding their schools, hospitals, emergency services, roads, utilities, and other necessary services.

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First NAC Victory!

First NAC Victory!

The SEC Delays Approval of Natural Asset Companies   It’s not a win per se, but the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filed a notice on November 7, 2023, extending...

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Author Exposes Natural Asset Scam

Author Exposes Natural Asset Scam

“If not stopped, on November 17th, the U.S. government will pass a rule that allows for America’s protected lands, including parks and wildlife refuges, to be listed on the N.Y. Stock Exchange. Natural Asset Companies (NACs) will be owned, managed, and traded by companies like BlackRock, Vanguard, and even China….”

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Beware the SEC’s Creation of ‘Natural Asset’ Companies

House to Vote on NAC Rule

The amendment to defund the Security Exchange Commission’s (SEC) proposed rule approving “Natural Asset Companies” was passed out of the Rules Committee yesterday. This is a HUGE...

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SEC Poised to Authorize “Natural Asset Companies”

SEC Poised to Authorize “Natural Asset Companies”

The purpose for this new investment product is to provide a vehicle for elite investors and governments to profit from the protection of natural resources created by climate crisis policies. It is why these same proponents have been calling for the permanent protection of at least 30 percent of the world’s land and oceans by 2023 – the 30×30 agenda. These same actors are also pushing the net zero and decarbonization policies.

Their objective is not the conservation of the land. They seek total political and financial control of the world’s natural resources particularly in the United States.

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