In the news

Ecosystem Accounting Challenged by Financial Fairness Alliance

Ecosystem Accounting Challenged by Financial Fairness Alliance

Justin Bis, director of the Financial Fairness Alliance (FFA), stated that the “elites” have not conceded defeat, despite the withdrawal of the Natural Asset Company (NAC) proposal. In a recent opinion piece penned for the Washington Examiner, Bis claimed that the new concept of “Ecosystem Accounting” is their next move, an approach he criticizes as being based on misleading statistics rather than factual data.

“Justin Bis said, “In this Orwellian world, fueled by fuzzy numbers and misleading statistics, accounting is no longer a recording and analysis of facts, it is an appendage of the state ready to justify anything”, said Justin Bis.

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NAC’s Will Be Back…IEG Scrubs Website!

NAC’s Will Be Back…IEG Scrubs Website!

“Farmers are currently compensated for producing commodity crops but not for producing clean air, water, healthy food, soil, a stable climate, or wildlife habitat (collectively, natural assets and ecosystem services). Yet producing these essential goods and services and managing resources wisely is as valuable or perhaps even more valuable, than food production.”

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Today, the Securities and Exchange Commission withdrew the proposed rule to approve the creation of “Natural Asset Companies” on Wall Street.

This is a MAJOR VICTORY!! We were the first to identify this threat and alert key policy makers at the local, state and federal level. Together we developed a full court press that culminated in today’s victory!

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House Natural Resources Committee Initiate Oversight of NACs

House Natural Resources Committee Initiate Oversight of NACs

esterday, House Committee on Natural Resources Chairman Bruce Westerman (R-Ark.) and Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Chairman Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) led a letter to U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chair Gary Gensler and Director Haoxiang Zhu, seeking information on a proposed rule change to permit the listing of Natural Asset Companies (NACs) on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).

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New Comment Deadline for NAC Proposal!

New Comment Deadline for NAC Proposal!

This is the second time the SEC has delayed approving NACs. Importantly, with their latest notice, they are instituting proceedings requiring the applicants (New York Stock Exchange and Intrinsic Exchange Group) to show that NACs do not violate Securities law. This is a major victory for the property rights movement.

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Breaking: Major NAC Victory!!

Late on December 21st, the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) issued a pre-publication notice that they are “instituting proceedings” and re-opening the comment period on their proposed rule to approve the creation of “Natural Asset Companies” (NACs).

This is a major victory for American’s and our property rights!

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Important NAC Update!

Important NAC Update!

U.S. House Financial Services Committee Abdicates Article I Oversight of SEC Rule to create Natural Asset Companies (NACs).
Thirty-one U.S. House Members signed the letter demanding they rescind the NAC proposed rule and reopen the comment period. Given the short window to sign on, this is a great response!

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