Current Issue

NAC Scam Withdrawn! Round One Won!

by | Jan 18, 2024 | Liberty Matters, NACs | 0 comments

NAC Scam Withdrawn! Round One Won! 


As we reported on Wednesday, the Securities and Exchange Commission withdrew their proposed rule to create Natural Asset Companies with no explanation or discussion.

In one simple sentence of a two-page Notice of Withdrawal, the SEC stated: “On January 17, 2024, the Exchange withdrew the proposed rule change (SR-NYSE-2023-09).”


American Stewards was the first to identify this threat and alert key policymakers at the local, state, and federal level. Together we developed a full court press that culminated in today’s victory!

We want to personally thank Senator Pete Ricketts (R-NE), Rep. Harriet Hageman (R-WY), Utah Treasurer Marlo Oaks, and Chairman Bruce Westerman of the House Natural Resources Committee who instigated a probe and an investigation into the SEC’s proposed rule.  These elected leaders stepped up in a major way and placed tremendous pressure where it was needed.

We also want to thank all our members who not only spread the news, but filed comments.  We counted 2,086 comments, of which 99 percent were opposed.  We don’t believe the SEC has ever seen this type of passion or patriotism for the America we know and love.  They intentionally kept their announcement very quiet, never issued a press release or reported any news on it.  The applicant, Intrinsic Exchange Group and the New York Stock Exchange were silent as well.

If this had not been uncovered, the rule would have been finalized on November 18, 2023.

However, this was just Round One!

We now are shifting our efforts to defeat the White House Strategy to create Natural Capital Accounts, the twin sister to Natural Asset Companies, that represents a whole-of-government approach to monetize “natural processes,” and “ecosystem services” and add them to the federal balance sheet for more nefarious and sinister future plans.

Stayed tuned for more in the very near future.

This fight has just begun, but having this victory is proof we can win if we stand together, believe in our Constitution, and protect our private property.

We believe people are now awakening to the fact that private property ensures our freedom from a tyrannical government that continues to take our land and our resources from Americans.  Thank you for your support and belief in American Stewards and our nation.

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