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Natural Asset Alert

by | Jan 22, 2025 | NACs

Call Your Congressman Today!

Tomorrow, the “Fix Our Forest Act” (H.R. 471) is scheduled to be voted on the House floor. Included in this bill are provisions that advance the natural asset scam.

Section 301 of the bill allows biochar projects to be prioritized for their carbon sequestration and ecosystem services benefits.

Representative Scott Perry (R-PA) submitted an amendment that strips the bill of these provisions and was accepted by the Rules Committee yesterday.

This means that when this bill comes to the House floor for a vote on Thursday, Members will be asked to vote for or against the Perry amendment.

Please ask your Congressman to vote FOR the Perry Amendment.

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We are grateful to Representatives Perry and Harriet Hageman (R-WY) who led a group of Members that worked to get this amendment approved.

Why does this language need to be removed? 

Proponents of the green new deal have been blackmailing the timber industry for years to comply with their agenda to reach net zero. They have been pushing for fewer trees to be cut to sequester carbon, which has led to bad management practices and forests subject to massive wildfires.

At the same time, they have been creating ways to profit off the carbon sequestration scam through federal subsidies. These programs must be purged from forest management practices if we are going to get back to well-managed forests and a strong economy.

The bill language is also complicit in authorizing the monetization of natural assets by prioritizing projects that increase “ecosystem services.” This is a backdoor attempt to undo what we stopped on Wall Street last year — the creation of Natural Asset Companies.

The provision may seem harmless, but if it becomes law, it puts in place a necessary piece allowing proponents to monetize the air we breathe, pollination and photosynthesis. It strengthens their ability to claim ownership of natural functions that no one has a right to own.

Importantly, if these provisions are removed the purpose of the bill will not be harmed.

The “Fix Our Forest Act” is a good bill that will help the timber industry cut and properly manage our forests, if the Perry Amendment is accepted.

Please call your Member today and ask them to support the Perry Amendment.

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