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Roots of 30×30 in America
August 2019…
The progressive socialist organization, Center for American Progress (CAP),releases the report, “How Much Nature Should America Keep?” (CAP Report). This report provides the talking points and direction to policy makers and environmental organizations on how to implement the international goal of 30×30 in America where most of the land is owned by the people, and property rights are protected.
In this report they make the following claims that we see repeated in key documents from proponents of 30×30. These include:
- 1/3 of species in US will go extinct, unless we implement 30×30;
- We are losing a football field of habitat every 30 seconds;
- 2/3 of the conversion of natural lands to development is occurring on private lands, but only 1% of these lands are permanently protected;
- As of 2019, only 12% of total land in US is permanently protected, leaving another 18% to achieve by 2030;
- The lands targeted for preservation must be areas of high biodiversity and productivity;
- Promise landowners they will honor property rights and help working landowners do more to avert a climate crisis.
September 2019…
Vice President
Kamala Harris
Senate Res. 372
DOI Secretary
Debra Harland
House Res. 835
Senate Resolution 372
House Resolution 835
June 2020…
House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis issues the report, “Solving the Climate Crisis,” that includes specific policy recommendations to implement 30×30 in America. Some of these include:
- Increase Wilderness Areas;
- Increase Wild and Scenic River designations;
- Increase National Monuments;
- Purchase private lands through the Land and Water Conservation Fund;
- Increase funding for Conservation Easements in Perpetuity on private lands;
- Increase conservation programs and tie funding to mitigate climate change and agriculture production;
- Designate Wildlife Corridors;
- Revise laws governing the Federal Lands to prioritize mitigating climate change instead of Multiple-Use and Sustained Yield.
(begins on page 428)
January 26, 2021…
(1 day before implementation)
Environmental Groups Release Media Blitz of Support for 30×30
Every major environmental group in America releases a statement of support for 30×30, parroting the talking points developed in the CAP Report. The League of Conservation Voters circulated a letter signed by 70 of America’s Mayors and 450 elected officials to Congressional leaders pushing for legislation advancing 30×30.
January 27, 2021…
Department of Interior Releases Fact Sheet
The Department of the Interior releases a Fact Sheet on how it will be implementing the Climate Crisis Executive Order (EO). Included in this a section on 30×30 where they confirm the EO is initiating the 30×30 program, using language and talking points from the CAP Report.
They state:
January 27, 2021…
How Much Land is 30% of America?
Thirty percent of America’s land base is approximately 700 million acres.
The Biden Administration’s DOI Fact sheet claims that as of 2021, 12% of the land is permanently protected, or approximately 300 million acres. This includes:
- National Parks
- Wilderness Areas
- Private Lands with Permanent
- Conservation Easements State Parks
- Other protected areas
That leaves another 400 million acres they need to protect by 2030.
The claim that we are losing a football field of habitat every 30 seconds in America, if correct, only amounts to potentially 11 million acres being converted by development in ten years.
The question that must be asked is why is the Biden Administration seeking to protect another 400 million acres by 2030? The crisis they have defined does not add up.
How much land is 400 million acres? Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts states this best: It is the equivalent of protecting one state of Nebraska every year for the next nine years, or two states of Texas.
The map above is from the U.S. Geological Survey Gap Analysis Project (GAP), which has been tracking the protected status of our lands for many years. They categorize the land into four levels depending on the protected status. The two darkest green colors (GAP 1&2) make up the 12% currently permanently protected as cited in DOI’s Fact Sheet.
Gap 1 – dark green, are the most protected and include National Parks and Wilderness areas.
Gap 2 – medium green, includes lands considered permanently protected, such as conservation easements in perpetuity on private lands.
Gap 3 – light green, are largely federal lands that are productively used with towns and homestead throughout.
Gap 4 – light grey, are areas with no federal, state or land trust designated protection, or to state this another way, are lands privately owned by productive Americans. These are where American’s grow a significant amount of our food, produce our minerals, fiber and energy, and where we have our homes, schools, church’s, and businesses.
January 27, 2021…
Biden Signs Climate Crisis EO
Six days after being inaugurated as President of the United States, Biden signs Executive Order 14008, “Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad.” Section 216 launches 30 x 30 directing four departments to create an implementation plan “to achieve the goal of conserving at least 30 percent of our lands and waters by 2030.”
First Actions Launching 30×30
February 11, 2021…
February 26, 2021…
House passes H.R. 803 four days after being heard in the Rules Committee, not the Natural Resource Committee, which has jurisdiction. It creates 1.5 million acres of Wilderness, withdrawing 1.2 million acres of rare earth minerals and other permanent land protections. The White House pushed for the passage in order to help reach the 30 x 30 goal.
Americans Fight Back
February 16, 2021…
Garfield County, Colorado passed the first resolution to oppose 30 x 30 just three weeks
after the Presiden launched the 30 x 30 initiative. Local governments across the nation have followed suit, sending a strong message
to the Administration that 30 x 30 is not a locally drive initiative — it is rejected by local governments and the people they serve. Over 150 Counties have passed the Resolution.
April 21, 2021…
Fifteen Governors signed a joint letter noticing President Biden that section 216 of the Climate Crisis Executive Order (14008), to conserve 30 percent of America’s lands by 2030, “infringes on the sovereignty of the states and rights of the citizens.”
Led by Nebraska’s Pete Ricketts, who was the first Governor to oppose 30 x 30, the letter was signed by the Governors of Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Idaho, Iowa, Mississippi, Montana, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas and Utah.
Additionally, the Attorney Generals for Kansas and Nebraska sent the Biden Administration a similar letter opposing the program.
The Biden Administration Pivots: Rebrands 30×30 to “America the Beautiful.”
May 6, 2021…
The Biden Administration’s releases the implementation plan for 30 x 30. It calls on American’s to conserve and restore our lands, without providing transparency or substantive details.
It claims the program is not about “protecting” the lands, but instead is to “conserve and restore” the lands; yet the Administration fails to define the difference.
It fails to identify clearly the lands that will be included, even though the Administration’s early action and statements makes this clear.
It is a marketing plan to rebrand the 30 x 30 land grab into something they hope Americans will accept and support.
Bill Filed to Terminate 30×30
May 11, 2021…
Representative Boebert and 22 of her Colleagues filed the “30 x 30 Termination Act.” This bill prohibits federal funds from being spent to carry out the program, ensures no net-loss of non-federal land in counties and states that already have a significant federal presence, ensures no net-loss of multiple-use activities without Congressional approval, and prohibits unilateral mineral withdrawals without Congressional approval. (Background)
Also, a companion bill was filed in the Senate led by U.S. Senators Roger Marshall, M.D. (KS) and Kevin Cramer (ND).
The Senate 30 X 30 TERMINATION ACT, blocks the Biden Administration’s 30 x 30 directive to conserve at least 30% of our private lands and waters by 2030. The legislation prevents a number of invasive actions on public and private land in the name of conservation and ensures 30 x 30 is stopped dead in its tracks.
Governor Ricketts Signs EO Protecting Nebraska
June 24, 2021…
Governor Pete Ricketts took unprecedented action and signed the “Stop 30 x 30 – Protect our Land and Water,” Executive Order 21-08.
What is Behind 30×30?
An international agenda to permanently protect 50% of the worlds lands and oceans.
This report attempts to set a scientific basis for the 30 x 30 agenda.
The “Half Earth” agenda launched by E.O Wilson seeks to permanently protect 50 percent of the world’s lands and oceans in their natural state.
September 22, 2021,
the IUCN World Conservation Congress Adopted Resolution 101, the 30 x 30 agenda. But this resolution also calls on all nations to work towards protecting
70 percent of the worlds lands.
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