30 x 30

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The Internationally Driven 30 x 30 Agenda

by | Oct 5, 2021 | 30x30 | 0 comments

The Biden Administration’s attempt to sell the American people on the idea that the 30 x 30 initiative is locally driven is totally refuted when you look at the agenda’s international backing.  Scientific American published an article last month entitled “Biodiversity’s Greatest Protectors Need Protection,” that points out its recent origins. 

“In 2016 biologist Edward O. Wilson responded to the biodiversity crisis by calling for half of Earth to be left to wilderness. His rallying cry has birthed the 30×30” campaign to protect 30 percent of Earth’s land and sea surface by 2030.”

But, the first call to permanently protect a large portion of Earth from man’s use was in the 1990’s when the United Nation’s Biodiversity Treaty called for 17 percent of the land mass to be off limits.  Last month, on September 22, 2021, the United Nations increased  that number to match and then surpass the 30 x 30 goal.  Resolution 101, adopted at the IUCN World Conservation Congress held in Marseillee, France calls for a minimum of 30 percent of the world’s lands to be preserved … and then some.  One of the key statements from the resolution is as follows: 

“RECOGNISING evidence that at least 30% and up to 70% or more of the world should be protected, conserved and restored in an interconnected way to safeguard biodiversity, stabilise the climate and provide a foundation for a sustainable relationship with the Earth;” 

You read that right.  It’s not 30 or even 50 percent that they are after.  They have upped the internationally driven land grab to 70 percent!

Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, and the Swiss Billionaire Hansjörg Wyss, are funding the radical caper.  E&E News Greenwire reported the following on September 22, 2021:  

“A coalition of nine charitable groups announced today that they will jointly commit $5 billion toward an aggressive pledge that aims to conserve 30% of the world’s lands and waters by 2030.

The pledge includes Amazon.com Inc. founder Jeff Bezos’ commitment on Monday to direct $1 billion — 10 percent of his $10 billion effort to address climate change — to the global conservation goal commonly known as 30×30. Both the Rainforest Trust and the Wyss Foundation will likewise provide $500 million to the “Protecting Our Planet Challenge.”

Additional financial support  comes from the charitable fund Arcadia; Bloomberg Philanthropies; the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation; the Rob and Melani Walton Foundation; the indigenous rights nonprofit Nia Tero; and Re:wild, a group founded by conservation scientists and actor Leonardo DiCaprio.”

We have said this before, but it is worth mentioning again.  This is not a time for Chamberlain, it’s a time for Churchill.  Those still looking for a seat at the table need to decide who’s land they are willing to give to the new 70 percent goal. 

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