The Natural Asset Scam

Owning Nature
Controlling People

NAC Stopped

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What if Government Owned the Air We Breathe?

There is a race among nations and global elites to own natural processes such as clean air, pollination, photosynthesis, and other similar functions. These have never before been considered property, nor should they be. They are a part of nature that everyone needs to survive and no one can control.

But governments and global elites are advancing this agenda, claiming ownership of these ecosystem services and arbitrarily setting values through carbon credits, biodiversity allowances, and sustainability taxes. If the United States government succeeds in monetizing these natural assets, the people will lose more than just our land.

We will lose our freedom.

What are Natural Asset Companies?

October 4, 2023, the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) quietly issued a proposed rule to authorize “Natural Asset Companies,” or NACs, a unique investment product. NACs would have been listed on the New York Stock Exchange. They would have allowed governments, Land Trusts and conservation groups to enroll America’s protected lands (largely generated through the 30×30 agenda) for private gain. Doing so would have also been the first time in the United States that these natural processes would have been owned by someone.

Foreign Enemies Could Have Controlled our Land

The investors would have been global powers, including foreign adversaries such as China. The lands to be enrolled included our National Parks and private land with conservation easements held by Land Trusts. Management authority of these natural processes would have been given to the NAC investors, and with it control of the land. The purpose of a NAC was to grow these “ecosystem services” ensuring limited or no use of the resources.

It would have been a way for our adversaries to fully control, limit and prevent us from using our natural resources – critical resources necessary for American prosperity and national security.

NAC Stopped

Thankfully, We Stopped the NACs

ASL has been tracking this agenda since it was first announced on Wall Street in September of 2021. When the SEC proposed rule was issued in October of 2023, we were ready. We quickly engaged ASL members, partner organizations, elected leaders, citizens, and the States. The pressure led the New York Stock Exchange to withdraw their application on January 17th, 2024.

We beat this stealth attempt to bring America to her knees, and gain control of our land. They will try again. There is too much power and money at stake. But now, more citizens are watching, and ASL will continue to confront their attacks.


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The New York Times Credited Our Work

“The American Stewards of Liberty, a Texas-based group … picked up on the plan. Through both grass-roots organizing and high-level lobbying, it argued that natural asset companies were a Trojan horse for foreign governments and ‘global elites’ to lock up large swaths of rural America, particularly public lands. The rule-making docket started to fill up with comments from critics charging that the concept was nothing but a Wall Street land grab.”

(Nature Has Value. Could We Literally Invest In It? February 18, 2024)

The Federal Government is Quietly Attempting the Same Scheme

January of 2023, the White House issued a National Strategy to monetize these natural processes and add this value to the Federal balance sheet. Under a new category, “Natural Capital Accounts,” or NCA’s, this scheme will increase the government’s collateral to guarantee our runaway national debt. As they claim ownership of the natural processes, they will have new ways to further regulate America’s land use and control citizens’ activities.

Your Home Could Be Security for the Federal Debt

In April of 2024, the White House released the results of their first pilot test accounts to determine the values to be placed in the Natural Capital Accounts. They note private land in the United States is $32 Trillion of the U.S. land assets, but fail to note the value of the Federal land assets. They follow this with a chilling statement:

“Accounting for natural assets like land on our nation’s balance sheet is critical; omitting them would dramatically understate U.S. wealth.”

The White House is attempting to list every American’s home, yard and lot as security for the Federal debt.

The Natural Asset grab is not for the purpose of protecting nature. It is to satisfy our nation’s creditors. If they succeed, our protected natural resources will eventually be mined, grazed, drilled and developed – just not by Americans.

Natural Asset Resources

NACs Stopped

See how we stopped Natural Asset Companies.

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Learn how our Government is quietly implementing steps to monetize natural processes.

“The government doesn’t have any money. The only power it has is to take from some and give to others.”

Milton Friedman

NAC in the News

State Policy Recommendations

State Policy Recommendations

State Policy Recommendations to Protect Landowners Most State Legislatures will be convening this coming January, giving citizens an opportunity to restore property rights...

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