Land Grab

It’s not about conservation,
It’s about control.

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America Permanently Protected as of 2021


Additional Land to be Acquired by 2030


Land to be Taken by 2050

What is 30 x 30?

30×30 is an international plan to permanently protect 30 percent of the world’s lands and oceans by 2030. These lands are to be kept in their natural state, with the ultimate goal to prohibit all human use. To attain this target they need to take control of another 400 million acres in America. This is the equivalent of protecting an additional area the size of nine states of Nebraska or two states of Texas by 2030.

This is the largest unauthorized federal land grab our nation has ever faced.

President Biden launched this agenda on his sixth day in office. It was initiated by Executive Order 14008 circumventing Congress and a vote of the people. There is no Congressional or Constitutional authority for 30×30.

The Biden Administration has redirected existing funds and programs to meet this target. Every federal agency is using their authority to impose more control over Americans’ land.

The Agencies are changing the rules.

As they take control over more land, the federal agencies are increasing their regulatory powers to impose climate crisis mandates on landowners by changing rules and imposing new directives. These are driving more Americans out of business and off the land.

The more land the government owns, the less power we the people have to keep them in check. Eliminating the private landowners’ ability to manage the land will cause immeasurable damage to the environment.

30 x 30 in the News

State Policy Recommendations

State Policy Recommendations

State Policy Recommendations to Protect Landowners Most State Legislatures will be convening this coming January, giving citizens an opportunity to restore property rights...

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The Biden Administration Failure to Define “Conservation”

Since President Biden signed Executive Order 14008, on January 27, 2021, where he initiated 30×30, the administration has been asked to define one word, which they have refused to do. The 30×30 initiative directs that at least 30 percent of the nation’s lands and waters need to be “conserved” by 2030. However, they refuse to define what is meant by “conserve.”

Help Stop 30 x 30

It’s a plan to take property and power away from the people, transferring this to international global elites.

Cointies Opposing 30 x 30
Keep up to date on the issue with Liberty Matters.

Get a summary of the key facts.

Help your local governments stand up to the federal overreach.

30 x 30 Resources

Talking Points

Here are the 10 key talking points for you to know.

Dig Deeper

Read the documents creating 30×30 for yourself.

30×30 Guide

This is a quick summary of the key facts.


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