30 x 30

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How to Fight the 30 x 30 Program

by | Feb 16, 2021 | 30x30 | 0 comments

We have prepared the Guide to Fight the 30 x 30 Land Grab, which you can download for free.  Included in this package are fact sheets, resource links and two model resolutions: one for areas with federal lands, and one for areas with primarily private lands.

This can be distributed to your elected officials, industry associations and neighbors to educate your community and take action to oppose the program in your community. Get these to your County and Special Districts and request they oppose this program. 

The first step to stopping this agenda is educating leaders at the local, State and Federal level. The League of Conservation Voters has been relying on a letter signed by 450 state and local elected officials to convince Congress to authorize the 30 x 30 agenda.  We need to demonstrate there is significant opposition.  Please click the link below and follow the action items to help us fight this devastating program.

Click here to Download the Guide to Fight the 30×30 Land Grab

We have prepared the Guide to Fight the 30 x 30 Land Grab, which you can download for free.  Included in this package are fact sheets, resource links and two model resolutions: one for areas with federal lands, and one for areas with primarily private lands.

This can be distributed to your elected officials, industry associations and neighbors to educate your community and take action to oppose the program in your community. Get these to your County and Special Districts and request they oppose this program. 

The first step to stopping this agenda is educating leaders at the local, State and Federal level. The League of Conservation Voters has been relying on a letter signed by 450 state and local elected officials to convince Congress to authorize the 30 x 30 agenda.  We need to demonstrate there is significant opposition.  Please click the link below and follow the action items to help us fight this devastating program.

Click here to Download the Guide to Fight the 30×30 Land Grab

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