
NAC Stopped

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US Representative Harriet Hageman

NAC Stopped

Last week in Washington D.C, American Stewards of Liberty personally presented three of the four “NAC Stopped” awards recognizing key elected leaders who took swift action leading to the defeat of the NAC scam.

U.S. Senator Pete Ricketts led the first letter to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) within days after the NAC proposed rule was released. This was a key reason the SEC extended their initial 45 day approval period.

Chairman Bruce Westerman of the House Committee on Natural Resources initiated congressional oversight into the SEC rule, which removed the last opportunity the proponents had to avoid public accountability.

U.S. Representative Harriet Hageman
advanced a defunding provision for the
SEC rule and then developed a probing letter sent to the SEC signed by 31 members
of Congress.

The fourth award recipient is Utah State Treasurer Marlo Oaks, who sounded the alarm through an op-ed published in the Wall Street Journal warning people of the danger of NACs. Treasurer Oaks also educated and led state officers nationwide to oppose NACs.

Without the help of these stewards of liberty, the NAC ruling would have passed, paving the way for Wall Street corporations and foreign backers to gain management control of America’s land and resources.

We thank these leaders for working with ASL and our members, resulting in one of the most important victories achieved against the Biden Administration’s land grab.

NAC Stopped

Here’s how’s we Slayed the NAC Giant

On January 17, 2024, when the Securities Ex- change Commission (SEC) issued its state- ment that the New York Stock Exchange had withdrawn their proposed rule to create Natu- ral Asset Companies, we were obviously elated. But how Natural Asset Companies became a national story and were quickly de- feated is a true David vs. Goliath battle for our times.