Monthly Archives: November 2023

Author Exposes Natural Asset Scam

Canadian Author and Keynote Speakers at the 2023 Stop 30×30 Summit, Elizabeth Nickson, has just published a great piece exposing the world elites’ attempt to profit off America’s protected lands through Natural Asset Companies.  It is a must read! As ‘Net-Zero’ Comes a … Continue reading

House Pulls Financial Services Appropriations Bill from Floor Debate

The bill that was to include consideration of Representative Harriet Hageman’s (R-WY) amendment to defund the “Natural Asset Companies (NAC)” proposed rule has been pulled from further debate on the House floor this morning. This is likely because the House Majority did not … Continue reading

House to Vote on NAC Rule

The amendment to defund the Security Exchange Commission’s (SEC) proposed rule approving “Natural Asset Companies” was passed out of the Rules Committee yesterday. This is a HUGE victory for property rights, and it happened because you answered our call! We need your help … Continue reading