Monthly Archives: November 2023

NAC Update!

The Security Exchange Commission’s attempt to quietly approve “Natural Asset Companies (NACs)” has been thankfully exposed and pushed back. The SEC extended its review period to 90-days instead of the initial short 45-day decision window. Adoption or disproval of the rule is … Continue reading

First NAC Victory!

The SEC Delays Approval of Natural Asset Companies It’s not a win per se, but the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filed a notice on November 7, 2023, extending the date on which they will make their decision to approve or disapprove … Continue reading

UT State Treasurer Challenges Natural Asset Companies

UT Treasurer, Marlo Oaks penned this great op-ed published in today’s print edition of the Wall Street Journal. He challenges the validity of “Natural Asset Companies,” and raises the concern that approval of these vehicles will create significant market distortions. Companies That … Continue reading