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NAC Update!

by | Nov 29, 2023 | NACs | 0 comments

The Security Exchange Commission’s attempt to quietly approve “Natural Asset Companies (NACs)” has been thankfully exposed and pushed back. The SEC extended its review period to 90-days instead of the initial short 45-day decision window. Adoption or disproval of the rule is now expected January 2, 2024.

Op-eds and news articles on the topic have been published in major media outlets including the Wall Street Journal, The Washington Times, Fox Digital, Real Clear Markets, The Federal Newswire and The Pipeline.

American Stewards has been invited to deliver a special NAC briefing to the U.S. House Western Caucus Member’s Congressional staff. This takes place next Tuesday, December 5th. (Ask your U.S. Representative to send their staff).

Senator Pete Ricketts (R-NE), Representative Harriet Hageman (R-WY) and Utah State Treasurer Marlo Oaks are leading their respective colleagues to challenge the proposed rule.

American Stewards of Liberty, CFACT, Kansas Natural Resource Coalition, Blue Ribbon Coalition, Financial Fairness Alliance, and the Utah Department of Natural Resources all filed substantive comments within the short 21-day comment period, preparing to challenge the rule in court if necessary.

Importantly, however, it has been your comments and phone calls that have helped us raise awareness of this diabolical scheme to take our land and liberty!

Keep educating, keep fighting, and keep the faith!

Here are some of the latest articles:

Companies That Can’t Make Money | By Marlo Oaks | Published in the Wall Street Journal

SEC proposal invites fraud by creating special rules for ‘Natural Asset Companies’ | By Justin Bis | The Washington Times

Deplorables Killed Net Zero and ESG | By Elizabeth Nickson | Welcome to Absurdistan

Multiple Articles on NACs | The Federal Newswire

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