CO2 Should Be Celebrated, Not Captured A group known as the CO2 Coalition has just issued a report concluding carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are at an all-time low and instead of...
Article Archives
Major Banks Form the Net-Zero Banking Alliance to ‘Transition’ Agriculture Operations
Six of the nation’s largest banks have joined in the “Net-Zero Banking Alliance” (NZBA) to “transition all operational and attributable GHG (Green House Gas) emissions from our...
“NAC Stopped” Awards Presented to Key Leaders
Last week in Washington D.C, American Stewards of Liberty personally presented three of the four “NAC Stopped” awards recognizing key elected leaders who took swift action...
States Prohibit Natural Asset Companies
States Prohibit Natural Asset Companies The States of Nebraska and Kansas have taken on the task of prohibiting the formation of and/or prevent the ability of Natural...
Committee Continues Probe into the Natural Asset Scheme
Committee Continues Probe into the Natural Asset Scheme The House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations will be holding a hearing today to examine the...
NAC Stopped – Here’s How We SLAYED THE NAC GIANT!
NAC Stopped - Here’s how we Slayed the NAC Giant On January 17, 2024, when the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) issued its statement that the New York Stock Exchange...
NAC’s Will Be Back…IEG Scrubs Website!
“Farmers are currently compensated for producing commodity crops but not for producing clean air, water, healthy food, soil, a stable climate, or wildlife habitat (collectively, natural assets and ecosystem services). Yet producing these essential goods and services and managing resources wisely is as valuable or perhaps even more valuable, than food production.”
States Chasing Inflation Reduction Act Funds for Conservation
The recent Natural Asset Company scam that we stopped as of January 17th has brought forward another critical issue that directly affects landowners. With the passage of the...
NAC Scam Withdrawn! Round One Won!
NAC Scam Withdrawn! Round One Won! As we reported on Wednesday, the Securities and Exchange Commission withdrew their proposed rule to create Natural Asset Companies with...
Today, the Securities and Exchange Commission withdrew the proposed rule to approve the creation of “Natural Asset Companies” on Wall Street.
This is a MAJOR VICTORY!! We were the first to identify this threat and alert key policy makers at the local, state and federal level. Together we developed a full court press that culminated in today’s victory!
House Natural Resources Committee Initiate Oversight of NACs
esterday, House Committee on Natural Resources Chairman Bruce Westerman (R-Ark.) and Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Chairman Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) led a letter to U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chair Gary Gensler and Director Haoxiang Zhu, seeking information on a proposed rule change to permit the listing of Natural Asset Companies (NACs) on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).
State’s Attorneys General Send Scathing Letter Opposing NACs
On January 9, 2024, Attorneys General for 25 states filed public comments to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) opposing the proposed rule to create Natural Asset...
New Comment Deadline for NAC Proposal!
This is the second time the SEC has delayed approving NACs. Importantly, with their latest notice, they are instituting proceedings requiring the applicants (New York Stock Exchange and Intrinsic Exchange Group) to show that NACs do not violate Securities law. This is a major victory for the property rights movement.
Must Watch NAC Video!
Opposing “Natural Asset Companies”! Excellent webinar!
Breaking: Major NAC Victory!!
Late on December 21st, the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) issued a pre-publication notice that they are “instituting proceedings” and re-opening the comment period on their proposed rule to approve the creation of “Natural Asset Companies” (NACs).
This is a major victory for American’s and our property rights!
Important NAC Update!
U.S. House Financial Services Committee Abdicates Article I Oversight of SEC Rule to create Natural Asset Companies (NACs).
Thirty-one U.S. House Members signed the letter demanding they rescind the NAC proposed rule and reopen the comment period. Given the short window to sign on, this is a great response!
Hypocrisy of the Elites
This past Sunday, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations launched its plan for the world’s food future. It’s called “Achieving SDG2 without breaching...
The Latest News on the Natural Asset Scam!
Last week on Tuesday, December 5th, American Stewards delivered a special briefing on Natural Asset Companies (NACs) to 15 Congressional staffers representing members of the U.S....
Seizing Private Land Is Next Step!
Seizing Private Land Is Next Step! The Epoch Times, By Kevin Stocklin Below is a brief excerpt from an excellent article written by Kevin Stocklin, from The Epoch Times: Eminent...
Beware the SEC’s Creation of ‘Natural Asset’ Companies
Beware the SEC’s Creation of ‘Natural Asset’ Companies To anyone who tracks the efforts of environmentalists, their policies often have an ulterior motive. They neither...
NAC Update!
The Security Exchange Commission’s attempt to quietly approve “Natural Asset Companies (NACs)” has been thankfully exposed and pushed back. The SEC extended its review period to...
How NACs will Cripple Rural Communities
These lands are crucial to the County’s socio-economic well-being, health, safety, welfare, and culture. The County argues that listing their federal lands into a NAC would require the land to be managed for “sustainable” purposes and eliminate the productive uses. These productive uses support their local economy by funding their schools, hospitals, emergency services, roads, utilities, and other necessary services.
The Case that May Restrict Administrative State?
The Case that May Restrict Administrative State? On Wednesday, November 29th, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) v....
UT State Treasurer Challenges Natural Asset Companies
UT Treasurer, Marlo Oaks penned this great op-ed published in today’s print edition of the Wall Street Journal. He challenges the validity of “Natural Asset Companies,” and...