State Representative Justin Holland from Rockwall, Texas filed legislation that would create the Texas Land and Water Conservation Fund and take $2 Billion from the Rainy Day...
Article Archives
Local Citizens and a City Council Defeat China
China’s impact on America’s sovereignty runs deep and is at a dangerous crossroad. From our President down to the local government level, China has infiltrated and influenced...
New Mexico Governor’s Half Earth Aspirations Facing Major Opposition
Last week, a bill was considered in the New Mexico House Rural Development, Land Grants, and Cultural Affairs Committee that would have paved the path for the Governor to achieve...
Growing Concerns of Farmland Purchases by China
The purchase of farmland near North Dakota’s Grand Forks Air Force Base by the Chinese manufacturer Fufeng Group late last year, seems to have finally ignited serious opposition...
Oklahoma Bill Gives Local Governments Authority to Deny Conservation Easements
Oklahoma State Senator Casey Murdock (R) has filed Senate Bill 980 that gives local governing authorities the ability to approve or deny a conservation easement placed on...
Climate Crisis Robber Barons
How the West Became Federalized For the first part of America’s expansion across the continent, the land was privatized by settlers as they staked their 120-640 acre homesteads....
Sri Lanka, Netherlands, and Natura 2000
Foreshadowing America’s Future Under the Radical Green Policies Two nations have exploded into the national spotlight as the people of Sri Lanka and the Netherlands have revolted...
Alaska Files Actions Protecting State Land and Water Rights
April 26, 2022, the State of Alaska filed three actions involving the failure of the Biden Administration to honor a U.S. Supreme Court Decision directing the transfer of title...
New York State Poised to Pass 30×30
The state of New York is poised to take similar action as has Vermont, although with a lighter hand. A bill to amend the New York State environmental conservation law has passed...
Vermont Passes First 50×50 Bill
May 5, 2022, the Vermont legislature passed a law to protect 50 percent of the land within the state by 2050. H.606, the “Community Resilience and Biodiversity Protection...
Indigenous People Oppose 30×30
Conservationists assure that 30×30 will save humanity, in part by protecting indigenous communities. However, this narrative is beginning to unravel as indigenous people across...
Montana Declines to Participate in Biden’s Conservation Program
In response to a request for comments developing the Conservation and Stewardship Atlas, which is designed to track progress towards the Administration’s 30 x 30 goal, the State...
Bill Filed to Limit Term of Conservation Easements
U.S. Representatives Michelle Fischbach (MN-07) and Kelly Armstrong (ND) introduced a bill in Congress entitled “Landowners Easement Rights Act” (H.R. 7021). The bill would...
Chaves County Challenges the Forest Services Failure to Coordinate
In August, the U.S. Forest Service released a Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the revision of the Lincoln National Forest Plan without coordinating the plan or the...
Your Land is Their Land
Two online mapping tools have been created to help the public identify lands in America that should be protected under the “climate crisis” agenda. The Nature Conservancy (TNC)...
Landowner Sued for Conservation Easement Violations
The Virginia State Attorney General has filed a suit against a landowner who allegedly constructed a home that was larger than the 3,000 square feet allowed under the terms of...
Conservation Easements are Big Business
(Liberty Matters) Syndicated conservation easements have once again turned up on the Internal Revenue Service’s (IRS) 2021 “Dirty Dozen” tax scam list. They were first added to...
Challenges to Trump NEPA Rule Revisions Fail
One of the most important regulatory changes the Trump Administration accomplished was rewriting the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) regulations, which went into effect...
Historic RS2477 Access Case Won
The U.S. District Court for the District of Colorado issued a strong decision protecting historic R.S. 2477 rights-of-way in the West. Decided at the end of last year, the court...
Liberty Matters News Service, Issue 4
In this issue... Opposition Growing Against Biden’s 30 x 30 Land Grab Bypassing Committee, Massive Wilderness Bill Passes House USFS Extends Comment Period for Manual Update:...
Massive Wilderness Bill up for House Vote
This is Congress’s first attempt to implement the 30 x 30 program. Call Your Representative and Ask them to Oppose H.R. 803, the “Protecting America’s Wilderness and Public Lands...
Coordination Requested on BLM’s Proposed Planning Rules
April 12, 2016, six Counties and three Conservation Districts representing seven Western states (the Coordinating Local Governments) issued a letter to the Bureau of Land...
Coordinating National Monument Plans
On February 12, 2016, President Obama withdrew another 1.8 million acres for permanent protection under the Antiquities Act. He created three new National Monuments in...
Separating the Men from the Boys
Coordination was recently described as the powerful tool for local governments that separates the men from the boys. The County Seat TV interviewed Kane County, Utah...